Managing an emergency will be helpful to your pet. Don’t panic, protect yourself from injury and prepare in advance.
It is important to carefully assess the circumstances surrounding an injured or severely ill pet. Determine if the pet needs to be immediately moved and if there is danger of further injury to the pet or to first aid givers.
These suggestions may help you prepare for an emergency.
Behavior Understand how to safely approach an injured pet. Animals may respond to fear and pain instinctively. Do not assume your own pet won't bite you. Pain or fear may provoke even a docile animal to aggression.
Towels can be used to cover the pet’s head to help "blind him" and make him feel safer while being transported. Hand made Muzzles are also very helpful in deterring bites.
Veterinary/Emergency Clinic Information Keep phone numbers and addresses in a location for quick retrieval.
Bandaging A bandage can be used to protect a wound or for applying pressure to control hemorrhage. Bandages can be made from towels, washcloths, paper towels, or a piece of fabric.
Board, Stretcher or Strong Blanket A small board, a sturdy wool blanket, a piece of canvas or a hammock can be used to move or transport severely injured pets that are unable to walk. Gently roll or move the pet onto the device. Typically, two people are needed to pick up and move the pet when using a stretcher. Be careful as this procedure may cause pain to an injured pet, and exposes the helpers to the risk of bite injury.
Frightened pets are often relieved by the dark calm enclosure of a blanket.
Managing an emergency will be helpful to your pet. Don’t panic, protect yourself from injury and prepare in advance.
It is important to carefully assess the circumstances surrounding an injured or severely ill pet. Determine if the pet needs to be immediately moved and if there is danger of further injury to the pet or to first aid givers.
These suggestions may help you prepare for an emergency.
Behavior Understand how to safely approach an injured pet. Animals may respond to fear and pain instinctively. Do not assume your own pet won't bite you. Pain or fear may provoke even a docile animal to aggression.
Towels can be used to cover the pet’s head to help "blind him" and make him feel safer while being transported. Hand made Muzzles are also very helpful in deterring bites.
Veterinary/Emergency Clinic Information Keep phone numbers and addresses in a location for quick retrieval.
Bandaging A bandage can be used to protect a wound or for applying pressure to control hemorrhage. Bandages can be made from towels, washcloths, paper towels, or a piece of fabric.
Board, Stretcher or Strong Blanket A small board, a sturdy wool blanket, a piece of canvas or a hammock can be used to move or transport severely injured pets that are unable to walk. Gently roll or move the pet onto the device. Typically, two people are needed to pick up and move the pet when using a stretcher. Be careful as this procedure may cause pain to an injured pet, and exposes the helpers to the risk of bite injury.
Frightened pets are often relieved by the dark calm enclosure of a blanket.