Pet Land Vet Clinic
123 Kitty Lane
Petland, NY 12345
(123) 123-1234
Open 24 hours
1215 2nd Ave
New York, NY 10065
(212) 223-3500

Exotic Pets

The popularity of exotic animals as pets is increasing. Exotic pets have different requirements than the traditional domestic animal. Before you buy…do the research. Below are a few informative websites.

What To Know Before Buying An Exotic Pet

Wildlife. Not Pets

Exotic Animal Laws by State

Types of Exotic Pets

Latest Exotic Pet Statistics in 2022 [Ownership & Attacks]

The Humane Society advises a prospective pet owner to find out if proper veterinary care is available before buying an exotic animal.

Please consider following guidelines before accepting the responsibility of an exotic pet owner.

  • Be familiar with laws related to exotics, it is illegal to possess certain species.
  • Research the species of interest.
  • Purchase a good care guide, talk with your veterinarian and contact others who have the same pet. Understand the pros and cons.
  • Know the pet’s space requirements.
  • Will you be able to provide the required regular exercise?
  • How long will the pet live? Some species of reptile have very long-life spans.
  • Can you handle the pet? Tarantulas may bite if they feel threatened and release hairs that can irritate your skin and eyes.
  • Is there a veterinarian in the vicinity who has experience with exotic pets?
  • Children and exotic pets rarely mix.
  • Will you be able to handle certain food? Exotic pets have specific dietary requirements, such as frozen mice or live locusts.
  • Consider the cost. Accommodation, food and vet bills may likely exceed the initial price of the pet.
  • Will the pet need company? Some species become stressed if kept alone, while other prefer solitary.
Pet Land Vet Clinic
123 Kitty Lane
Petland, NY 12345
(123) 123-1234
Veterinary Emergency Group
Open 24 hours
1215 2nd Ave
New York, NY 10065
(212) 223-3500

Exotic Pets

The popularity of exotic animals as pets is increasing. Exotic pets have different requirements than the traditional domestic animal. Before you buy…do the research. Below are a few informative websites.

What To Know Before Buying An Exotic Pet

Wildlife. Not Pets

Exotic Animal Laws by State

Types of Exotic Pets

Latest Exotic Pet Statistics in 2022 [Ownership & Attacks]

The Humane Society advises a prospective pet owner to find out if proper veterinary care is available before buying an exotic animal.

Please consider following guidelines before accepting the responsibility of an exotic pet owner.

  • Be familiar with laws related to exotics, it is illegal to possess certain species.
  • Research the species of interest.
  • Purchase a good care guide, talk with your veterinarian and contact others who have the same pet. Understand the pros and cons.
  • Know the pet’s space requirements.
  • Will you be able to provide the required regular exercise?
  • How long will the pet live? Some species of reptile have very long-life spans.
  • Can you handle the pet? Tarantulas may bite if they feel threatened and release hairs that can irritate your skin and eyes.
  • Is there a veterinarian in the vicinity who has experience with exotic pets?
  • Children and exotic pets rarely mix.
  • Will you be able to handle certain food? Exotic pets have specific dietary requirements, such as frozen mice or live locusts.
  • Consider the cost. Accommodation, food and vet bills may likely exceed the initial price of the pet.
  • Will the pet need company? Some species become stressed if kept alone, while other prefer solitary.